Thursday, 16 June 2011

Marathon Training Program

Are you a marathon enthusiast? Or do you enjoy running for pleasure and fitness, but want to step up your game and run better, faster and with more strength and stamina?

If so, then you’ll want to know about the Marathon Dominator running system!

In just a moment I’m going to tell you how I stumbled up a new marathon training system that helped me shave 12 minutes off my previous marathon time.

… and how this very system helped many of my friends achieve similar results, best of all I actually trained less – yes less and I added this one little tweak to my training system that practically gave me an unfair advantage over other runners.

But, before I tell you about my Marathon Dominator System, I want to tell you a little bit about who I am and why you should listen to what I have to say, especially if you’re interested in breaking your PR, preventing injuries, and actually training smarter and not harder.

Hi, my name is Jill Bruyere and I'm the creator of the Marathon Dominator System. As a former collegiate soccer player and currently a world class running coach, I'm also an avid marathon enthusiast!

I'm used to being physically fit. But being fit alone isn't necessarily enough to participate in the sport of running marathons.

As an avid runner, I've completed 5 major marathons.  I'm proud to say that I qualified for and ran the Boston Marathon.

It wasn’t easy… let me assure you that qualifying for a sport like the Boston Marathon is hard. Training and being physically fit wasn't enough.  The best runners from around the world compete in the Boston Marathon and I knew that I needed to be in top form to even come close to being competitive.

That meant shaving more than 12 minutes off my previous marathon best time!

Now, that may sound easy to some.  But besting my time by 12 minutes was crucial and much harder than I expected. I decided to give it my all and continued to train the conventional way I'd been taught by others. I added more time to my running schedule and ran more days a week than normal.  In fact, I ran every day.

I was pretty much overtraining… but that’s what the conventional running methods teach us.

You're probably thinking that I ended up shaving more than just those 12 minutes off my best marathon time.


All that extra effort resulted in the WORST marathon time I'd ever had!  I couldn't believe it.  After all my work, I was going backwards, not forwards!

Breaking my personal record became a mission.  But I didn't jump right back into training right away.  Six months later, I gave it another try. I started out running every single day and training the way my coaches and other marathon gurus had advised.  Two weeks into training I suffered a strained hamstring and ended up having to stop running for two whole weeks!

Frustrated doesn't even come close to the way I was feeling.  I wanted to be a better runner.  Not sit at home and heal an injury that was a result from the training I thought was going to help.

When I was finally able to get back to training, I admit I was afraid of injuring myself again.  To make sure that I gave my hamstring injury sufficient care, I only ran 4 days a week.  I made sure to rest it on off days to give my body time to build back up after working out.

I continued my training for 4 days a week and added one more thing.  When I tested my progress I was floored!

That One More Thing was the KEY that helped me beat my best
marathon time by a full 18 minutes!

I couldn't believe that "decreasing" the number of days I trained and "adding" just this one extra thing to my program improved my time so dramatically.  I was hooked and continued to train until I felt confident I could run a marathon at top form.

Like most runners, I have friends who also run.  They saw how well I was doing and asked for advice. So I started teaching them the program I was using to train.  Pretty soon I began teaching clients as well and saw how they progressed as much as I did.  Breaking personal record time became a goal that was suddenly reachable!

Having run in many marathons, I knew there were thousands of people who would benefit from the program I used to train.  That's when I decided to put all my programs into what I call the Marathon Dominator System. 


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