Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Video Marketing is hotter than July

Whether it’s on your homepage, blog, facebook or on YouTube if you
are not using Web Video you are missing out on new leads
and customers. Yes, leaving money on the table.
Time and time again split tests show that (in most cases),
video converts better than text on squeeze and sales pages.
Video can get ranked fast and rank high on google. You can
leap frog competitor sites that are not using video.
YouTube is the second biggest search engine, if you are not
on YouTube you are missing out on sending floods of traffic
back to your site.
The fact is video engages people for longer and makes your prospects
But the snag is it can cost anywhere from $700 – $2000 + just
to get a single video made for you, and one video is never enough.
To really boost your rankings you need to create regular video content
and make Video Marketing part of your overall sales strategy.
Learning to make YOUR OWN quality videos is a way to effectively
market your business without breaking the bank.
But how to make videos that don’t suck which can actually
damage your brand?
I’ve found the answer.
Pocket Video Power is an online training
programme created by Jules Watkins a British Video Marketing
and Videomaking expert. Jules has a background of over 10 Years
as a TV Producer/Director/Shooter making reality and factual
shows for BBC, Channel 4 and MTV in the UK.
He also make videos for business,runs blogs and markets with video.
He’s the real deal!
Jules is going to train you to make high quality, creative videos to
market your businesses using economical kit.
You’ll be amazed what you can do with your Kodak Zi8, Iphone4,
Flip or mini-camcorder.
Inside Pocket Video Power you can watch over Jules’s shoulder as videos
are filmed and learn by watching the step by step instruction.
There are 5 action packed modules of content.
Topics include:
Filming yourself and how to be better on camera?
How to get your message across on video to help you sell more?
The killer questions you must ask when you interview!
How to get the best out of video customer testimonials?
How to set up a low budget studio that will make your videos look professional?
How to film physical products?
Insider TV editing tricks to turn browsers into buyers!
How to get your videos seen?
Plus loads more!
There are over 40 videos inside the training plus resources including
a YouTube guide, a recommended kit list and free music.
And what’s more you can also get direct feedback on your videos and
ask questions to get your own video issues solved. This level of contact
is rare for a training product like this.
If you want to harness the power of online Video Marketing
for your business you need Pocket Video Power.
To your success,

Go here to see all the details and watch the amazing video that
will explain everything you need to know about the training!

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